Blood And Stool Testing in Santa Barbara, CA


Wise Diagnostic Testing

Our diagnostic services are the critical first step needed for understanding how to take effective action on the journey to achieving the highest manifestation of energized wellbeing.

Our in-depth microscopy diagnostic tests identify parasites, bacteria, yeast, fungi, other pathogens, and other issues that are the root cause of a very broad range of ailments, including some of the most elusive and hard to diagnose and treat.

Once the often-overlooked invaders are identified, a precise therapeutic strategy can be created based on this information and the unique biology of the individual.

The guesswork is eliminated. The infection can be treated and immediately followed by repeat testing to confirm treatment success. An essential foundation is established from which body and mind can be restored, enabling one to live the most vibrant, optimized expression of self!


Medical science has determined that 70% of a person’s immune system comes from their digestive system. This system, also commonly called the gut, comprises many organs, including the mouth, tongue, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, and colon.

The stool microscopy diagnostic gives us information on gut health and is the essential foundation for understanding and establishing the health of the individual. The stool microscopy diagnostic provides an insight into anything unusual and unhealthy in the intestines, with the exception of viruses that are too small to identify with a conventional microscope. This stool microscopy diagnostic looks for the presence of parasites, unhealthy bacteria, yeast, mucus, pus, and blood in the stool. When present, each of these contribute to the type and severity of the health issue and may also reveal the need for deeper investigation to uncover the root cause of the person’s ailment, such as the live blood, urine, and sputum microscopy.


Examination of live blood using advanced, leading-edge microscopy protocols can reveal essential information about a person’s health and medical problems.

Medical science has determined that about 30% of a person’s immune system resides in their blood. This includes white blood cells and proteins that defend your body from infection. Immunity is therefore affected by the vitality of the blood and the state of its well-being. Our live blood microscopy diagnostic identifies other problems, including the presence of blood-specific parasites, Candida yeast, and infections such as Lyme Disease, Intestinal inflammation can lead to intestinal permeability or leaky gut that results in inflammation that can occur anywhere in the body, including the brain Lyme co-infections, and toxoplasmosis.

The live blood microscopy will also identify problems with the red and white blood cells and the presence of pleomorphic forms. Many of these issues must be resolved to effectively treat parasites, bacteria, and yeast infections in the digestive system and other systems.