Intracellular Testing for NAD+ in Santa Barbara, CA

NAD is critical for health but declines with age and illness

NAD declines with age, and this decline is associated with loss of function and vitality and many age-related diseases.

Maintaining high NAD+ levels provides the fuel your cells need to repair damage and fight the aging process.

Besides aging, many factors can affect your NAD+ levels in the near term, such as disease, excessive stress, alcohol, jet lag or sun exposure,  insufficient sleep or exercise.

Elimination of as many of these lifestyle factors as possible, combined with supplementation can have a great effect on your NAD+ levels and overall health.

NAD+ Declines With Age

How does NAD+ work in the body?

NAD+ works as a shuttle bus, transferring electrons from one molecule to another within cells to carry out all sorts of reactions and processes. With its molecular counterpart, NADH, this vital molecule participates in various metabolic reactions that generate our cell’s energy. Without sufficient NAD+ levels, our cells wouldn’t be able to generate any energy to survive and carry out their functions. Other functions of NAD+ include regulating our circadian rhythm, which controls our body’s sleep/wake cycle.