O Shot in Santa Barbara, CA

Eternity Health Partners offers a large variety of products that can enhance female sexual health including Oxytocin.


What is the O-Shot®?

The O-Shot®, or Orchid Shot™, is a non-surgical procedure utilizing blood-derived growth factors to revitalize vaginal tissue and enhance sexual function. This treatment involves injecting these growth factors into precise areas of the vaginal wall and clitoris.

The potential benefits of the O-Shot® encompass several aspects:

  • Enhanced sexual function, including heightened arousal, intensified orgasms, and increased sexual contentment

  • Increased lubrication

  • Alleviation from urinary incontinence

  • Improved conditions associated with stress incontinence, overactive bladder, and interstitial cystitis

  • Enhanced symptoms related to sexual dysfunction, such as alleviating pain during intercourse or difficulty achieving orgasm


Who is a candidate for the O-Shot®?

The O-Shot® is typically recommended for women who are experiencing sexual dysfunction or urinary incontinence. It may be appropriate for women who have not responded to other treatments or who are unable to take certain medications.

How the O-Shot® is performed:

The O-Shot® procedure typically takes about 30 minutes to complete.

The following steps are involved:

The patient’s blood is collected and placed in a centrifuge to separate the growth factors.
The growth factors are then activated using a special solution.
The patient is given a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area.
The growth factors are injected into specific areas of the vaginal wall and clitoris.
The procedure is completed, and the patient can go home the same day.