Hormones and the Effect on Women's Wellbeing

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A woman’s natural hormones control most of her basic bodily functions. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone serve as an internal communication system between cells throughout the body. They coordinate everything from digestion and growth to appetite, immune function, mood, and libido. When hormones become out of balance, even slightly, it can have a big impact on health and well-being.

When a woman’s hormones drop, such as in menopause, an option to ease symptoms is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT.) BHRT is most frequently used to ease perimenopause and menopausal symptoms, but it is also effective in conditions such as insulin resistance, adrenal, and thyroid disorders, osteoporosis, and fibromyalgia. Bioidentical hormones are man-made hormones derived from plant estrogens that are chemically identical to those the human body produces. BHRT comes in many forms such as pills, patches, creams, gels, and injections. While BHRT is a more natural treatment, using any hormone replacement is not without risk. A careful history, physical and comprehensive blood panel will determine if BHRT is clinically indicated.

At AMI, our BHRT is custom compounded by a select pharmacy according to our doctor’s orders. There is never a one-size-fits-all, or even most for that matter.  Compounding typically involves ingredients being combined or altered to fit the needs of the individual client.  

BHRT is typically used when women experience a decline in hormone levels due to the aging process. Increasing hormonal levels will improve moderate to severe menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, memory loss, weight gain, sleep issues, decreased libido, and painful intercourse. BHRT also reduces the risk of diabetes, cataracts, and osteoporosis. While there is some evidence that BHRT can improve skin thickness, hydration and elasticity, lifestyle measures still reign supreme on anti-aging efficacy.

Most users of BHRT report an astounding boost to the quality of life and general well-being. However, it is imperative that each client understand the benefits and risks of BHRT. Using hormones may increase the risk of blood clots, stroke, gallbladder disease, heart disease, and breast cancer. Risks and potential side effects are always carefully weighed against an individual’s genetic and health history. The general rule of caution is to use the lowest effective dose for the shortest amount of time to resolve symptoms and restore quality of life.

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In addition to estrogen and progesterone replacement, an abundance of research has conclusively shown that testosterone effectively boosts sex drive and resolves many of the peripheral sexual problems for certain women with sexual dysfunction. At AMI, women’s testosterone levels are closely followed using the lowest effective dose possible to maintain the feminine, compliment the mood, boost the libido, and heighten recovery from workouts and active lifestyles. It is never wise or clinically indicated to elevate a woman’s testosterone significantly.

Outside of replacement, the best way to maintain healthy hormone levels is lifestyle.  Living an active, healthy life full of movement, mental health work, solid nutritional practices will help not only restore hormonal balance, but keep levels optimal. Open communication is imperative when establishing an initial BHRT program that compliments the female’s longevity and vitality. As with everything, there is no one hit wonder, but rather tools to enhance and ensure each client is living her best life.