Feel and Look Younger in 60 Days

Remember being young and dreaming of being older?  There are even iconic songs written proclaiming these precise desires.  Here you are… all your dreams have come true, you are indeed older.  Can we stuff that Geni back in the bottle? When did your body change? Where did you misplace your energy? Your glow is gone and your gut multiplied.  Cher, please baby, Turn Back Time!

  Good news, you can steal back a few youthful qualities and enhance your vibrancy.  All you need is due diligence and sixty days.  You can in fact turn back the clock by making a few science backed changes to your diet and daily habits.  One key has to do with telomeres- bundles of DNA that cap chromosomes.  The longer your telomeres, the less likely you may be to develop conditions like cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, dementia, and many cancers.  Telomeres naturally shrink with age, but it is possible to curtail the process and even lengthen your telomeres by making diet and other lifestyle changes.

  Another huge factor is inflammation.  Simply, aging is associated with increased inflammation, but as with telomere length, certain lifestyle habits can help prevent and even reverse the inflammation that leads to premature decline and disease.  It takes about two months of “good behavior” aka hard work to lower inflammation, lengthen telomeres, feel more energized, and improve your odds of living a long healthy life.  What? You thought is would be easy?  Well, it is. You just have to unlearn just about every American lifestyle you have been taught.

  Let us start with nutrition.  You are what you eat right?  Right. Eating clean bolsters gut health, triggers better fat burn, and gives your cells the nutrients they need to fight inflammation.  A plant based diet is rich in inflammation fighting antioxidants.  Plant based diets have been proven to lengthen telomeres and lower cancer risk.  When going green, go organic, axe sugars, and up the fiber.  Powering your gut with healthy microbiota is also crucial to overall health.  Your digestive system is key to your immune function.  A quality probiotic is a good idea, but probiotic foods like greek yogurt, tempeh and sauerkraut will pack the greatest punch.  

  Next up, movement.  You really do have to move it or lose it.  Regular exercisers have telomeres as long as those of sedentary people 10 years younger!  Exercise helps reduce systemic inflammation.  It is a good idea to start the day with a stretch, incorporate interval and high intensity activities into your routine, and strength train.  Lifting weights not only firms muscle and strengthens bones, but it also boost mood and self-confidence.

  Do not be afraid to try new things.  Learning a new skill, experiencing a new adventure, meeting new friends has proven to enhance longer, healthier, happier lives.  Learning something new also enhances brain function and fights off dementia.  Engaging in deep connections with others also boosts longevity.  Also help your self by helping others.  Feeling useful may cause your brain to make more oxytocin and progesterone, which helps curb stress and reduce inflammation.

  Meditate.  Think of meditation as medicine.  Taking time to reflect regularly can reduce blood pressure, boost immunity, lower stress, ease insomnia, decrease compulsive eating and depression.  Oh that gratitude, it is the real deal.  Many use the act of journaling to help with gratitude and reflection.  

  Want better skin quickly?  Yes please!  Then look no further than hydration and routine skin care.  We like to aim for 100 fluid ounces of water a day and keep the little devils of caffeine and alcohol to moderation.  When you are well hydrated, the mirror does not lie.  It is never too late to wear sunscreen…. Every Single Day.

  OK so when do we discuss the magic pill?  In the world of Age Management and Anti-Aging, there is indeed a lot of magic.  However, none of it makes much of a difference if the individual is not putting in the work.  Free medicine of Nutrition, Movement, Sleep and Stress Management will always hold the foundation of wellness.  Every healthy choice made increases your confidence to make more healthy choices.